When a teacher is teaching a subject, it’s essential to get feedback from the students. Not every teacher is perfect. Every individual has their way of imparting education. However, if students don’t respond, there’s a fair chance that no knowledge intake is happening. Thus, the best ICSE board schools in South Kolkata emphasized all-time teacher-student interaction within the classroom.
This, in reality, is the only way to understand the knowledge inflow-outflow process. If a teacher goes on rumbling without any response or queries coming up from the kids in the classroom, then the very meaning of education is defeated.
Advantages of Classroom Interaction
1. It helps in making classes interesting
How would you feel as a teacher if your class is quiet and non-interactive? Even the urge to teach vanishes! Hence, the modern form of teaching involves interactive class sessions. When children engage with their teachers in the classroom, they look forward to the class next time. Moreover, this is an intelligent strategy to stop the kids from drowsing off during the lectures!
2. Promotes better understanding
If the kids in your class don’t understand what’s been going on, then knowledge intake will remain incomplete. Ensuring classroom interaction will make them comfortable with their teachers. Now they can ask anything they want. This helps them to know the subject better. If your child interacts well in the class, you can be assured that he/she is getting the entire education, and there’s no need to appoint home tutors.
3. Increases self-motivation levels
When kids are involved in classroom activities with the teacher and each other, they feel motivated to participate more. While interacting with each other, they also get to develop their own opinions and learn better.
4. Develops strong interpersonal skills
If you want your child to be confident, communicative, and optimistic from a very young age, interactive classes are necessary. More and more interactions in classes also make the students enthusiastic. These sessions make sure that the child doesn’t dislike the thought of going to school.
Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School is well-equipped with modern classrooms for interactive sessions. We’ve been fostering child development through quality educational facilities for the last 18 years. Along with education, we believe in arranging premier quality extra-curricular activities for your kids. The more they learn through interactions, the better mindset they will develop. Enroll your child now for a bright future ahead.