At PBAS, various clubs function at different levels to enhance the innate talents of the students. They operate to bring out the best in them.

We have:



Drama is part of the language arts programme involving listening, speaking, reading and writing. As the Children find drama playful and entertaining and become actively engaged in the dramatic process. One important function of drama in the primary grades is to enhance the student’s vocabulary proficiency which is crucial to literary development. Each and every lesson provided to the students are specially designed in a way that it can bring out the hidden talents of the pupils. Every academic year public speaking contest in Hindi, Bengali and English is conducted to enhance the speaking ability of the Students.


The school’s Eco Club Helps to extend the boundaries and scope of the formal education system, encouraging creativity and empowering students for constructive activities. The students under the guidance of teachers manage the green activities, growing of trees and other medicinal plants and cleaning the school premises. The students have taken up the initiative to improve the challenging environmental conditions. hey have undertaken activities like “no plastic for Mr.” and “cleanliness drive”, Earth Week- 2012 (19-20th April), the basic objectives of these activities were to practically apply the concept of 3R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


A 30 minute dance class per week has been included in our school, from classes III-IX to develop a sense of rhythm and music among the children. Through these dance classes pupil not only get an idea of different dance forms of different provinces, but they are also able to connect themselves to the rich classical art forms practiced in our country.


A 30 minutes session of tabla training has newly begun in our school since last year. In this process, students are taught to understand the details of different beat cycles and intricate rhythm structures. However, these tabla lessons help to generate sincerity and determination among the pupils in the long run.
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