9th Indo Nepal karate championship 2023


P.B. Academic School’s students shine in the 9th Indo-Nepal Open Karate Championship 2023…

“Karate is not winning over others. It is about winning over one’s self”

Every year the Kathmandu National United School conducts the Indo- Nepal open Karate Championship in the month of May. Many karatekas from the Calcutta Karate Club, Gojukao Karate Do West Bengal participates in the game representing India. This year also the team performed spectacularly and won over 8 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 24 bronze medals grabbing the second spot in the Tournament having over 20 categories. Among the winners, Ayushman Shah of Class VI won a gold medal and a silver medal in Kata and Kumite respectively. Adrija Das of Class IV won a silver in Kumite and a bronze in Kata. Diptoman Mandal of Class V won bronze in both Kata And Kumite.

The PBAS family extend heartiest congratulations to all the winners . May they continue to inspire other enthusiastic talents and shine on the path to excellence.

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