Health And Hygiene Matters


Practicing good hygiene is important to keep the body healthy and clean.

PBAS is focusing on Health and Hygiene for its students and parents the whole of June.  

A lot of activities and webinar’s are planned. Keep checking our Facebook page for more information.


June - Health & Hygiene Month

5th - Session on Puberty (5,6,7) girls 
9th- Talk on Nutrition (Whole School)
12th- Catharsis-Release of Emotion (9-12)
16th- Dental Hygiene ( Pre-Primary )
19th- Colour Therapy (5,6,7), Poster Competition (9&10)
21st- World Yoga Day (All)
23rd- Meditation With Visual Journey- Reminiscence (6,7,8)
26th -Art of living-Dev of Satvik Persona ( 9-12)
30th - Swacch Bharat - Cleanliness of Environment ( All Classes)
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