Inclusive Education


“Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.” With this motto Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School has seamlessly included “Inclusive Education” to cater to the need of children with Intellectual Challenge, Autism Spectrum Disorder , Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and many such similar challenges. The mission of our Inclusive Education Department is to support these children in the educational process and turn them into successful and productive citizens.

The Department of Inclusive Education was initiated by our respectable Principal, Mrs Madhuparna Andrews as a Flagship Project. She being the brainchild of this noble initiative believes that every dark cloud has a silver lining and she started this with a ray of hope to reach out to the maximum number of children possible. In this journey , we were over-whelmed to receive the positive response of innumerable parents who were facing such challenges to educate their children. Their immense faith in us has strengthened our confidence and the growing number of children trying to get into this is a sign that we are definitely leading in the right track.

We have trained Special Educators, a need based curriculum, specialized therapy and a variety of settings including dedicated classrooms based on the individual needs of each student. We will whole-heartedly try to transform these students to “Proud PBAsians” in the days to come.

Yoga Day Celebration

The International Yoga Day on 21 ST June was celebrated is an inclusive manner in PBAS. Special children were made a part of this celebration as they observed yoga day and performed various yogaasanas . It was indeed a treat to the eyes.

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