As your child ages, study hours should be increased simultaneously. Especially during exams, a child looks for efficient ways to help them maximise their focus and concentrate on an extensive studying process throughout the day. While it is only sometimes advisable to study for a long time, taking small breaks between and continuing studying at a stretch is helpful. Some of the best schools in South Kolkata believe that children should develop their concentration power and avoid distractions to study for long hours and complete their syllabus on time.
Here are a few tips that can help little Minds to concentrate more on their studies for A prolonged period without getting tired.
Effective tips for studying for long hours without getting tired
1. Make a routine and set a goal
It would be best if you made a daily routine before using it to study for a prolonged time. Also, set a subject-specific goal to achieve the same within the allocated hours. However, the individual needs to be practical while setting goals and making routines. Impractical goals will not lead them anywhere.
2. Take small breaks in between
Studying at a stretch might make the brain of the child dull. In the case of studying at a stretch, the child must take breaks in between. It is necessary to keep a timer along with you. This will help you keep track of the time you’re taking for breaks. It is also necessary that you don’t get carried away or get distracted during the breaks.
3. Study in a peaceful environment
To concentrate better, you must study in a peaceful environment. A peaceful environment will help to minimise distractions. You can select your favourite place in the whole house where you would like to study. This will help avoid any type of boredom related to study time.
4. Add interactive sessions to your study
Add a few interesting learning sessions to your study routine. If you’re setting up a 10-hour study session, use 2 hours from the same for watching concept videos or hearing audiobooks. This will help you get through the study chunks with minimum distraction. Between these interactive sessions, you can also take a nap of 1 or 2 hours to energise and start all over again.
Out of different schools in South Kolkata, Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School has made a mark of itself among the different ICSE schools. Admit your child here and let them increase their knowledge and skills.