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How Have Digital Learning Tools been a Boon in the ICSE Curriculum?

Education has evolved by leaps and bounds, and from traditional bookish knowledge, students are now embracing technological tools as a source of learning. This is especially evident in the ICSE schools of Kolkata.

Enrol your child in the best ICSE school in Kolkata and help them learn with the help of smart classroom tools like smart boards, cutting-edge displays, Google slides, 3D learning videos and animated tutorials.

By using these technological tools, most of the ICSE schools of Kolkata have made education more accessible and inclusive for the students. With the rise of e-learning platforms, every detail of the child, along with relevant study material, can now be accessed by the student anytime without physically visiting the school.

Here are a few undeniable benefits of digital learning tools in the ICSE curriculum.

What are The Benefits of Digital Learning Tools?

1. E-books and online materials
E-books form a crucial part of the ICSE curriculum. They are affordable compared to the physical textbooks and are interactive, interesting and compatible with all devices.

Moreover, this is a boon for the small kids as they do not have to carry heavy books to school daily. They are accessible anywhere and hence are a convenient study option.

2. Virtual field trips
Students of the science and history fields are often required to participate in field trips to gain insight and knowledge. However, the introduction of virtual field trips has subsided the need for physical visits.

They can take a virtual trip from the comforts of their home or classroom and widen the horizon of their knowledge.

3. AI system for student assessment
ICSE schools have recently introduced the AI assessment system within their curriculum, a tech-driven system that analyses the individual performance of every student. This system also prepares the probable solutions to help the student overcome the weak points. They also create a personalised learning approach to ensure all students are on par.

4. Digital classrooms
Enrolling your child in the best ICSE schools will give them the ultimate learning experience in a digital classroom. Instead of the traditional black or white board, portable interactive virtual whiteboards are used to teach the students in these classrooms.

The teachers use multimedia learning modules and images to make the learning process interesting. This piques the children’s interest and develops their concepts from the beginning.

Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School is a pioneer in embracing and integrating digital learning tools into the education system. Along with the best faculty and quality education, we provide modern classrooms for our students.

Check our facilities and enrol your child now for a better future.

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