icse board school in south Kolkata

Improve Your Kid’s Communication Skills with These Easy Activities

Are you tired of hearing that little “unstoppable chatterbox” living in your home? If so, your child is on the right track because typically, children love to talk, share and communicate, especially with their parents and close family members.

But, in some cases, some kids need a little help to understand where and how to start communication with others. Along with opting for the best ICSE board school in south Kolkata, you should focus on helping your child communicate daily with others.

Here are some activities listed down for you that can help your child to communicate with others at home and school without any fear or embarrassment.

How Can You Develop a Good Communication Skill in Children?

1. Talk to Them
To make them familiar with the activity of talking, you must take the initiative. Talk to the little member of your family daily. Ask them how their day was or if anything interesting and specific happened to them today that they want to share. Tell them about your day in the office. Want to know what they are doing and why they are doing this, or how they are feeling about it? Describe your child about the world around them and ask what they feel about it. The more you talk to them, the better they can communicate with you.

2. Encourage Your Child to Talk
Not only inside your house but outside also, you should encourage your child to talk. Let them tell the waiter in the restaurant what they want to eat today. Encourage them to ask for products in a grocery store while they are visiting such places with you. Try asking questions that cannot be answered, only Yes or No.

3. Play Communication Game
There are lots of fun games that can help children in building strong communication skills. Try games like I Spy and Dumb Charades, or create your own fun games where they need to explain things around them without naming them directly.

4. Listen to Them
To help your child in healthy communication, you must be a good listener. Every time your child comes to you to tell something, you must be patient and listen to them rightly. This will encourage them to talk more and share their emotions with you.

Organisations like PB Academic School pay much attention to healthy and good communication skills for children of all ages. Please get in touch with us to get details about our admission process, fees, curriculum activities and others.

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