Dear Parents,

The pandemic has forced us to conduct our activities in an unique manner. PBAS has always been a tech-friendly school and it could adapt to the changing environment seamlessly. 

Highlights of PBAS ONLINE Learning classes are as follows:

It has been observed especially in Junior classes, that parents feel they can make their child skip a year. It has a deep psychological impact.

  1. Online school is required especially for small children to be accustomed to a structured environment.
  2. To see children of their own age, enlivens them to become social.
  3. Trained teachers for Junior classes exactly know when to introduce a concept in a structured manner rather than haphazardly in-home schooling by parents.
  4. Rich language development takes place in a school with a regular teacher- child interactions.
  5. If the child would enter Junior KG right away, by skipping Nursery, they will not have the foundation of ‘known to unknown’. “Everything will be unknown. That would put more stress on children.
  6. In schools, language, social development and emotional quotient of children develop. They learn to wait for their turn before they can speak. They will know that the teacher will follow certain nuances in interaction with them, which their mothers are unlikely to know.

There is a big behavioural shift in the parents’ mindset towards learning online, as they witness their kids benefiting from it. The overall development and progress of a child through the structured teaching-learning process is something to marvel at. Children from the formative stage become technology oriented- which is the call of the day. 

PBAS strongly advises parents not to waste an academic year. School is offering various benefits and scholarships to students to continue their studies. Our motive is and always has been prioritising students and their needs.

Hope to see you soon at PBAS, let us collectively invest our time and talent in bringing out the best in our children!
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