best English medium school in south Kolkata

How to Recognise The Primary Learning Style of Your Kid?

Primary education lays the basic foundation for every child’s knowledge development. Did your child start school? Then you need to pay attention to engage them with the educational segments. A child’s brain is like a wandering river. It’s your duty as a parent to identify the right learning style and make the same interesting for the kid.

The best English medium schools in South Kolkata focus on customising their learning courses according to the taste and preferences of the children. According to the teachers, if primary education doesn’t seem interesting to the kids, they’ll detest the mere thought of going to a school in the later phase of life.

Types of Learning Styles

As per the educational researcher’s, kids generally exhibit 3 types of learning styles – auditory, visual and writing/reading. Although imparting education might be different for each child, the purpose is the same – to build a strong foundation and make them sharp. How will you identify the learning style of your child?

Here are a few tips. Observe the kid and understand the type of activity they are exhibiting at the time of learning. This will help you to identify the learning style. Accordingly, you can chalk out a teaching plan that will make things interesting and creative for them.

1. Signs of a Visual Learner

The majority of the children are visual learners. While interacting with your kid, if they grasp any concept or idea by visually viewing the things, they are undoubtedly visual learners. You can easily check this out by offering colourful flashcards and ask them to identify the animals, alphabets and colours.

Visual Learner

2. Signs of an Auditory Learner

If your child can memorise only by listening to whatever you read to them, then it’s a sure shot sign of an auditory learner. Start having conversations on informative topics with such kids. They will enjoy the same and collect information out of what you say and learn accordingly. You must also give verbal instructions to such kids and stop using sign languages.

Auditory Learner

3. Signs of a Writing/Reading Learner

If your kid tends to write things down before memorising the same, they fall under this category. For these types of kids, indulge them in reading more. You can develop the practice of reading bedtime stories as well to inculcate the habit in them.

Writing Reading Learner

At Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School, our motto is to encourage the creative pursuits hidden inside every kid. We focus on developing interesting primary education styles for every category of children to ensure the overall development of their mental health. Check our website for more details.

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