ICSE Affiliated School

Importance of Practical Knowledge in A Child’s Education

Practical knowledge, in simple terms, refers to the everyday skills that an individual must acquire to lead a normal routined life. It is imparted either through basic education patterns or through hands-on practical experience. Nowadays, some of the best primary schools in South Kolkata are focusing on improving the practical knowledge of the children to make them logical and independent thinkers.

Developing a child’s brain from the very beginning is essential. This strengthens their foundation. Thus, many schools are now focusing on imparting practical knowledge to the kids as a part of the primary education process. This makes them sharper and encourages them to make the right decisions from a very young age.

As a part of practical skills, they offer training on mathematics, science, technology and household activities. Kids are taught to take care of pets, make healthy food choices, wash dishes and participate in different practical activities. Moreover, the children are made aware of the environment and ways to take care of the same.

Increase Your Child’s Practical Knowledge Effectively

Schools are trying different techniques to increase the practical awareness of children. They effectively involve the kids in different projects on different subjects like science and maths. These are basic daily needs, and hence practical workings on the projects make the learning process easier. They are also given craft projects where the students must use their skills to complete the projects.

Apart from this, the kids are also taught to mix colours, sting beads, bake cakes and do many such simple things which helps them to improve their practical knowledge.

icse school

Which skills can be enhanced through practical knowledge?

Children are curious creatures. They love to know, explore and experiment with different facts. Hence, the more practical skills you teach them, the better. Their thirst for knowing more helps them to unleash the practicalities of life. Thus, primary schools effectively enhance the following skills of the children with the help of practical knowledge training.

  • It helps children develop planning, coordination and execution skills.
  • It provides children with worldly knowledge that helps them to identify problems and get solutions for the same.
  • It helps children to develop goal-setting skills and prepares their brains for idea generation.
  • It develops sign language skills within the kids and helps them become knowledgeable about the normal sign languages used in the streets.

It is not possible to teach every aspect of knowledge and education to children. However, starting with the basic practical skills can help a child develop rational thinking power. Moreover, this prepares kids to become independent and self-sufficient and follow the instructions of the adults skillfully.

In simple terms, developing practical knowledge makes children smarter and better human beings. This, in turn, prepares the kids for a smooth journey towards adulthood. At Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School, we designed our education system to match the necessary training for the practical world. We use different art, crafts, extracurricular and practical activities to improve the communication and non-communicative skills of the kids.

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