
Health and Hygiene

Interesting Health and Hygiene Tips for Child’s Well-being

Encouraging healthy eating habits and hygiene maintenance comes directly from two source – the parents and the educational institutes. Amidst the different attractive food options like chocolates, ice cream and chips, the nutritional food value is lost nowadays. Since a child spends a lot of their time in schools, hence initiatives need to begin there.

Schools are thus including nutritional knowledge classes and hygiene class to teach some good behaviours within the kids. However, instead of forcing a child to eat nutritional food, you can smartly include the nutrition in their daily food routine without them knowing the same.

For parents, here are a few fun facts on child nutrition that will surely blow your mind.

4 Nutritional Fun Facts

1. Feed Vitamin C to Boost Immunity
Include lemons in their daily meals. You can make juice of the same and feed your child. Lemon is not only the direct source of vitamin c but also keeps the child energized, immune and active throughout the day.

Feed Vitamin C

2. Non-animal Source of Vitamin D
While you may scold them for eating pizzas, did you know that mushrooms in pizzas are the only non-animal source of vitamin D. It helps fight cancer cells, depression and body aches. Make pizzas at home with mushrooms and treat them to nutrition.

mushroom piza

3. Pumpkin Seeds are a Boon
You might have thrown them away a hundred times, but these tiny asymmetric seeds have a list of nutritional minerals that you can’t even imagine. It is enriched in fibre, protein, vitamin K, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and fat. Next time don’t forget to include this in your kid’s meal.

pumpkin seeds

4. Celery is a Medicinal Herb
Celery is generally used as a medicinal plant and has high forms of micronutrients. Thus adding the same can help you reduce diabetes, heart problems, weight gain and vision loss.

Celery Medicinal Herb

3 Must-Follow Hygiene Practices

1. Foot Care
Since children wear shoes all day long and participate in different sports activities, foot hygiene is a must. They should wash their feet with antibacterial soaps every day and apply moisturizers to prevent cracks. Changing socks frequently is also a good practice that parents should nurture in them. Legs are the support systems. The complete bodyweight rests on the feet. Keeping them clean is necessary.

foot care

2. Dental Care
Children keep on munching on different things throughout the day. Hence flowing appropriate dental hygiene care is a necessity. They should brush twice daily with antibacterial paste. Teach them to floss their teeth before going to bed. Proper care should also be taken to clean the tongue.

dental care

3. Ear Care
Ears are the most neglected part of the body. Since we’re unable to see the inside of our ears, we believe that there’s no need to clean the same. Teach your child to apply ear lotion once a week and get the ear wax out. If ears are not cleaned accurately in the long run, it may give rise to pain.

ear care

At Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School, we believe that a child’s knowledge should not be limited to books; they should also have a fair idea of their health, well being, and society.

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best icse school in kolkata

Enrolling Your Child In A New School? Few Tips To Prepare Them

Though there are a few renowned ICSE board schools you can choose from for your child, what’s more challenging is to prepare them for joining the school. It is a massive transition in one’s life, and it is your responsibility to prepare them for their academic life. It is not only about nursery students, even those getting admission in a new school in their 3rd or 6th standard have to prepare themselves for the transition.

Some parents think they can quickly prepare their child when admitting them to a new school by accompanying them for the first few days. If you are one of them, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Most children don’t like going to school and come up with new excuses almost every morning. If you don’t want your child to feel homesick for their family or home, there are a few tips you can follow to prepare them for their school life.

3 Tips To Follow When Preparing Your Child For Their New School

1. Talk With Them

Once you have started looking for a reputed ICSE board school in Kolkata for your child, please share information about the school with them. They will start preparing for a drastic change in their environment once they come to know that you have initiated the admission process. If your child is mature enough to surf the internet, let them know the school’s name so they can check their website. It will help in making your child more familiar with the school’s images. They can quickly adapt to the new chapter in their life if they are prepared for the change.

2. Share Your Feelings

Parents can let their children know their feelings about the latter joining a school. Your child will have better peace of mind knowing that they are not the only ones feeling scared, nervous or sad. Parents can also encourage their kids to share their feelings with their friends or teachers, making it easier for them to deal with those. You should tell them that feeling excited about their new adventure is more important than feeling nervous.

3. Follow A Routine

Every parent will agree that enrolling their child is a new school is a big challenge as it is a huge transition for them. An easy way to prepare them for the transition is by making them follow a routine. Have a specific time for sleeping so that they have a sufficient sleep before you wake them up for school the following day. Choose a specific lunchtime and make sure that it coincides with their lunchtime once their school starts.

Since you are now aware of a few tips which will help you prepare your child for their new school, it’s time you choose a reputed ICSE board school. Parents widely prefer Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School as they use English as the medium of instruction and aim to strengthen their children’s language skills. They also give personalized attention to every student.

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best icse school in south kolkata

How To Balance Between Playtime and Online Classes?

A few years back, the concept of online classes was a mere thought of the mind; however, with technology taking a toll over our lives, online classes have been a significant part of every student’s life. Some of the best schools in South Kolkata put stress on online classes, which helps nurture the extra knowledge within the students.

However, with so many online class activities going around, the children’s playtime has reduced manifoldly. If you engage your child in education and online classes all the time, their minds might get clogged. The more they play, the better their IQ level is going to increase. Hence finding a specific time in the day for games is essential.

What you need to do is make time for your kids to play as well? Keeping parity between your child’s playtime and education is necessary. Otherwise, the overall development of the child will be hindered.

Here are a few tips that can help your child keep a balance between the two.

online classes

1. Start The Day Earlier

If your kid keeps on sleeping, then he/she is missing out a lot of the time of the day. As the saying goes, early risers are always the wiser ones. So, get your kid up early in the morning. After some breakfast, they can easily indulge in their favorite gameplay. The fresh mind of the early morning will keep them rejuvenated whole day. This will also fasten their learning process.

2. Arrange For Indoor Games

Playing doesn’t only mean that the kid needs to go out. Instead, you can also arrange for some indoor games for your kids. Games like ludo, chess, and carrom can make your kid’s mind engaged and help in mental development. Hence, it’s a method of keeping the patient and engaged and improve.

3. Keep a Separate Time For Online Classes

Don’t engage your kid in the online class all day long. This will eventually tire them mentally and make them cranky. Give them a suitable time every day when they should start their respective courses. This will bring them in a routined life and give them the freedom of enjoying their games the other time of the day.

4. Make a Timetable For Their Daily Life

Get your kid under a scheduled timetable system. Kids have a freckle mind. Hence playing games is the first thing that strikes them whenever they’re free. If you don’t engage your kid in activities, then it will not come to them spontaneously. Hence make a separate timetable for them and let them follow the same. Once they get used to the same, they know the time allocated to engage in play activities. This will maintain a balance in everything in their life.

Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School has been a reputed name among the best schools in South Kolkata and has been imparting the best education to students for over 18 years. We at PBA School believe that education alongside extracurricular activities and games are essential for the children’s overall brain development. Enroll your kids today for general educational development.

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top school in tollygunge

Why are Classroom Interactions Important in ICSE Board Schools?

When a teacher is teaching a subject, it’s essential to get feedback from the students. Not every teacher is perfect. Every individual has their way of imparting education. However, if students don’t respond, there’s a fair chance that no knowledge intake is happening. Thus, the best ICSE board schools in South Kolkata emphasized all-time teacher-student interaction within the classroom.

This, in reality, is the only way to understand the knowledge inflow-outflow process. If a teacher goes on rumbling without any response or queries coming up from the kids in the classroom, then the very meaning of education is defeated.

Advantages of Classroom Interaction

1. It helps in making classes interesting

How would you feel as a teacher if your class is quiet and non-interactive? Even the urge to teach vanishes! Hence, the modern form of teaching involves interactive class sessions. When children engage with their teachers in the classroom, they look forward to the class next time. Moreover, this is an intelligent strategy to stop the kids from drowsing off during the lectures!

2. Promotes better understanding

If the kids in your class don’t understand what’s been going on, then knowledge intake will remain incomplete. Ensuring classroom interaction will make them comfortable with their teachers. Now they can ask anything they want. This helps them to know the subject better. If your child interacts well in the class, you can be assured that he/she is getting the entire education, and there’s no need to appoint home tutors.

3. Increases self-motivation levels

When kids are involved in classroom activities with the teacher and each other, they feel motivated to participate more. While interacting with each other, they also get to develop their own opinions and learn better.

4. Develops strong interpersonal skills

If you want your child to be confident, communicative, and optimistic from a very young age, interactive classes are necessary. More and more interactions in classes also make the students enthusiastic. These sessions make sure that the child doesn’t dislike the thought of going to school.

Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School is well-equipped with modern classrooms for interactive sessions. We’ve been fostering child development through quality educational facilities for the last 18 years. Along with education, we believe in arranging premier quality extra-curricular activities for your kids. The more they learn through interactions, the better mindset they will develop. Enroll your child now for a bright future ahead.

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school in south Kolkata

6 Unknown Facts About ICSE Board Schools in Kolkata

Education institution plays an important role in grooming the entire life of an individual. Schools in Kolkata are affiliated to different boards like ICSE, CBSE and WB. The debate of putting the child in the right school goes on and on forever. If you’re researching on the best ICSE board schools in Kolkata then you should be knowing a few things before opting for the same.

Every board has its own set of pros and cons. It’s up to the child and the family, whether they are comfortable with the same or not! While conducting the research it may be hard for you to stick to one single school as all the boards in Kolkata has set a strong foothold in the education business.

What Things you Should Remember Before Getting Your Child into an ICSE Board School?

1. Level of Difficulty

If you think that ICSE is easier than CBSE, then you’re wrong. Even the marking system is different and 80% of the marks are external. What’s more? While studying in an ICS#E board school in Kolkata, your child can get the option of appearing for scholarship exams. If they opt to study abroad then these certifications will certainly help.

2. Language for Instructions

Anything but English is the language that they prefer. In a CBSE board both Hindi and English are used as a medium of instruction. However the same is not the case in ICSE. So, as a parent if you’re not comfortable with English as a medium of communication, then selecting ICSE will be a wrong decision.

best school near tollygunge

3. Focus on Practical

Rather than putting your kid through the boring pages of the books, ICSE schools focus more on the practical part. Fun and learn – that’s the basic mantra of all ICSE schools in Kolkata. Every academic curriculum is well-researched and the practical tasks carries a lot of marks which encourages your child to learn in the right path.

4. Prepares for Competitive Exams

Competitive exams are the pick of the hour. So if your child is not geared up from the very beginning he/she will fall behind in the race. ICSE board schools inj Kolkata makes sure no such thing happens. They follow an objective based education approach, where the candidate is taught to manage time, tasks, personal life altogether.

5. Level of Recognition

ICSE Board schools in Kolkata like Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School are globally recognized. Let’s say, you’ve a transferable job. Then, definitely put your child into ICSE board. anywhere in the world you go, this board gets the maximum level of recognition. the curriculum is prepared keeping in mind the national and international education requirement.

6. Focuses on Developing English

If you want your child to excel in English, then there’s no alternative to ICSE board schools in Kolkata. They put stress on the grammatical and English literature part. If your child is willing to make a mark in the field of humanities, the putting him/her in an ICSE school will help to make a strong base.

Although education largely depends upon the way the student intakes the same, however the contribution of schools in nurturing the kid can’t be denied as well. Research carefully before putting your child in the best school.

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english medium school in south kolkata

Enrolling in an ICSE Board School? Tips To Prepare For The Entrance Exam

Children are issued a certificate of passing after completing their Grade 10 exam from an ICSE board school. This certificate is considered to be at par with other nationally-recognized boards. No wonder, the number of students enrolling in an ICSE board school is also enhancing. If you are also planning to take admission in a school that admit students based on an entrance exam, it’s time you start preparing for it. You will feel worried and tensed only if you don’t prepare for it properly.

Tips To Prepare For The Entrance Exam When Enrolling in an ICSE Board School


1. Select The Right Books
Instead of studying from the same book till the last day of your exam, you can choose a book from any writer. Irrespective of the book you are studying, make sure you cover all the topics suggested by your teacher. Never consider a book to be wrong. It would help if you had more faith in yourself than in your books.

2. Understand The Questions
Don’t leave difficult questions for the last day before your exams to impact your level of confidence. Try to figure out the repetitive questions as they are more critical, especially for the theory papers. Have a look on the Internet and search for vital topics in each subject.

3.  Revise
Make sure to revise the whole course of the exam twice before the exam. Revising all the topics might be a challenging task so be wise and do some selective study. All the concepts should be revised properly. For the practical portion, choose questions covering the vital concepts of the chapter.

What Makes Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School The Best ICSE School?


Though there are numerous ICSE affiliated schools in Kolkata, it is advisable that you choose one that pays equal importance to arts, languages and humanities. Parents widely prefer Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School as they use English as the medium of instruction. The objective is to strengthen the language skills of the children. They also give personalized attention to every student.

They provide quality education to foster the all-round development of a child. They have carved a niche in the education sector by imparting knowledge by friendly and experienced teachers. They aim to provide the best infrastructure and technology so that children can prepare well for their ICSE or ISC examination.

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icse school tollygunge

Time To Debunk The Myths About ICSE Schools

There are numerous schools scattered all over South Kolkata. The earlier you start looking for someone reputable, the better it will be. The easiest way you can find the best among the rest is by doing your research. The school you choose for your child will play a very vital role in their life. Schools in our country provide education on various education boards. The most popular among them are state boards, CBSE and ICSE.

The biggest challenge for parents is to choose the best one for their child. Since the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is a national level board of education, it is widely preferred by parents. If you want your child to have a bright future, debunk the common myths associated with this popular education system.

3 Common Myths About ICSE Schools Have Been Debunked

1. “The Board Includes A Voluminous Syllabus.”

Though extensive syllabus is an integral part of the ICSE board, there is a myth that the board prescribes a vast syllabus. Take a closer look at the course and you will notice that it is comprehensive rather than voluminous. It aims at providing in-depth information on all topics. Equal importance is given to all the subjects so that students can understand every topic minutely. The syllabus is globally accepted and recognised. It is not only about theory, the focus is on the students’ practical abilities as well.

2. “The ICSE Board Syllabus Is Very Difficult.”

It is one of the most common myths associated with the ICSE board. Many parents believe that the difficulty level of the syllabus is too high and think twice before enrolling their child in an ICSE board school. How well a student can understand new and complicated information differ from one student to another. An integral part of the ICSE board syllabus is internal evaluation. It impacts the student’s overall scores. Choose one of the best ICSE schools in South Kolkata for your child and you will realise that they pay equal importance to internal assessments and practical tests.

3. “The Syllabus Won’t Help A Student Prepare For Competitive Exams.”

Numerous students who have studied in ICSE schools have succeeded in state and national level examinations. The syllabus is designed in such a way so that students can develop the skills which will help them pass competitive exams at the first attempt. The board pay high importance to the English language. It becomes easier for students appearing for competitive exams like TOEFL to outshine others by performing better. As far as the English language is concerned, ICSE board students always have the edge over other students. The schools never give more importance to a single subject as they believe that it can make students lose interest in other subjects.

Since the common myths about ICSE schools have been debunked, it’s time you enrol your child in Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School.

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kolkata school new admission in 2021-22

Things To Look For in a School During Class 11 Admission

If you are looking for a school where you can enrol in class 11, you have to consider numerous things. The situation around COVID-19 is improving across the country and it’s time we start paying attention to our career and academic life. Since there are numerous ICSE board schools in South Kolkata, choosing one often becomes a daunting task.

It is not only about education, you also have to choose a school which will provide you with a platform to showcase your creativity and talent. One of the few schools near Tollygunge which fosters the all-round development of students is Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School.

Want To Choose The Best School For Your Class 11 Admission? 4 Things To Look For

1. Build A Strong Academic Foundation

You will have complete peace of mind if you can choose a school which focuses on building a strong academic foundation. They should have years of experience in educating children with quality education. Their environment should nurture and enhance the special academic talents of each and every student. It is the responsibility of their teachers to implement a strong curriculum and research-based techniques. The school should be committed to provide a strong academic foundation.

2. Career Counselling Tips

Choose the best school near Tollygunge for your class 11 admission and reap the benefits of career counselling. They have experienced career counsellors who are aware of the available jobs in the market. They use their experience and knowledge so you can explore and discover different career opportunities. Experienced counsellors will not only advice you on the right career choice but also let you know why drama, arts, community service, debating and music forms a significant part of your curriculum.

3. Flexibility In Subject Combination

A majority of the schools let students choose a cluster of core subjects. Few of which are psychology, economics, home science, biotechnology, computer science, economics, mathematics, fine arts and psychology. It is not only about flexibility in subject combination, the school should also provide an excellent infrastructure for academics, sports, laboratories and other extracurricular activities. If you want to include Mathematics, make sure you are aware of its basics.

4. Shape Mind For Future Studies

Since choosing the best school for class 11 admissions is more challenging than you think, you should focus more on the school and how they impart and shape minds for further studies. Their teachers should know the importance of inculcating the feeling of nationalism at an impressionable age as they are the future leaders of the country. When you choose ISC board in Class XI, you can expect to reap the same opportunities students appearing for JEE or medical examination has.

These being said, it’s time you consider the points stated above and choose Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School for your class 11 admission.

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best montessori school in south kolkata

New Trends of Montessori Parenting

As a parent, if you think that your responsibility ends by enrolling your child in a Montessori school, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Not only do you have to ensure that the school you are choosing is the best in the city but they should also have the best teachers who can guide your child with their upcoming transition.

Though there are numerous Montessori schools scattered all over South Kolkata, choose PB Academic School if you are looking for the overall development of your child. They have some of the best teachers in the industry who can guide your child through every stage of the developmental process. The objective is to make them feel more confident and prepare them for their school life.

Some Montessori Tips To Help Your Child Grow


1. Let Children Help Themselves

One of the easiest ways you can help your child build their confidence is by letting them face the obstacles during their development. In other words, you should let your child help themselves and allow them to do their own tasks. Children are more capable than what their parents feel and you will realise this only if you let them accomplish a task. If they can achieve a target, it will invoke in them a sense of empowerment. Self-confidence will make them more independent and happier.

2. Let Them Concentrate By Cutting-Out Distractions

Visit the best Montessori school in South Kolkata and you will realise that the classrooms are designed in such a way so that it is easier for your children to concentrate. When they are at home, cut-out distractions by turning off the TV. Programs with exciting visuals and music can interrupt your child’s attention. It is not only about TV or music, parents should also try to reduce the number of times they are interrupting their children while they are studying.

3. Let Them Make Mistakes

Parents need to understand that it is normal for your child to make mistakes and you should allow them the freedom. When they are engaged in some work, don’t hover over their shoulder with a continuous stream of instructions. Instead of making them rush through the process, give them the time to make their own conclusions. You can later review their work and let them know where they have made mistakes so that they can learn from those. Every child studying in a Montessori school should be given a chance to grow.

4. Let Them Learn From Nature

It is a very effective learning method for children studying in a Montessori school. Let them spend more time amidst nature so that they can learn from it. Take them for walks to the park and slow down a bit. Ask them to draw pictures or just sit and watch birds. They can even click photos of anything which catches their attention or strike their fancy.

Enrol your child in PB Academic School and follow the Montessori tips stated above if you want to boost your child’s confidence.

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best icse school in south kolkata

Choose Online Classes So That Your Children Don’t Miss Out Anything

Though the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown imposed by the government are forcing children to rely on online classes, they have actually become a blessing in disguise. Children of every age can take advantage of online classes, provided they have enrolled in one of the best ICSE schools in South Kolkata. The focus of every teacher conducting online classes is on blending online learning through classroom instruction. According to a survey conducted recently, distance learning always impacts children in a positive way.

Top 4 Benefits Offered By Online Classes

1. Save Money

Though parents have to follow the same payment structure irrespective of students attending the school or learning through online classes, you can save money by choosing the latter as you don’t have to pay the transportation fees. Online learners can even purchase digital books instead of textbooks and some more money. When children stay at home instead of going to school, you can feed them home-cooked food instead of relying on paid meals served at school canteens.

2. Enjoy A Comfortable Learning Environment

Even if the school schedules a specific time for online classes, you have the flexibility to choose a place to study. Find a comfortable learning environment which best suits you. Make a list of all the places in your house where you can study and choose one where it will be easier for you to concentrate. The place should also have fewer distractions and a stable internet connection.

Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School

3. Consider Your Pace Of Learning

While some students are fast learners, others require more time to understand a specific topic. One of the primary benefits of online classes is that you can learn at your own pace. You can also work with course materials that are adapted to your needs and learning abilities. Some of the schools even allow students to record the classes so that you can watch them if you face any issue later. You can also skip or accelerate through concepts according to your convenience.

4. Geographical Flexibility

Students don’t have to worry about their geographical location if they study in a school conducting online classes. You don’t have to relocate or rent a room in the same locality. The cost of living in different parts of the city varies greatly. There are no moving expenses involved so you can also save some money. Even if you stay near Howrah or Dum Dum, you can enroll in one of the best schools in South Kolkata.

best school in south kolkata,Since online classes offer so many benefits, it’s time you enroll your child in Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School. Their online classes are specifically designed to fulfill the unique learning needs of the students.

Choose Online Classes So That Your Children Don’t Miss Out Anything Read More »

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